What Do Florists Do?
Florists make people happy and feel special through their floral arrangements which can be in wreaths, corsages, centerpieces, bouquets, etc.
Designs and Makes Floral Arrangements
They carefully cut flowers and arrange them with greeneries or other decorations. They may create their original design or follow a set of patterns.
Florists may work for a florist company or flower shop. They may also opt to run their own business and be their boss. Their floral arrangements are greatly used in holidays, parties, weddings, funerals, balls, church services, and the like.
Sells Flowers in Retail and/or Wholesale
If they have their flower shops, they usually cater to individual retail needs and wholesale or bulk demands. They can also sell accessories and other items like chocolates, candies, gift baskets, cards, balloons, etc.
Helps You Choose the Best Flower and Layout
Florists are experts when it comes to discussions all about flowers. They help customers choose the right varieties and floral layouts for specific events.
Teaches You How to Properly Take Care of Flowers
They also teach their clients how to properly handle a flower to lengthen its life. They are not just flower designers and entrepreneurs. They are also flower advocates as they have to take care of and maintain the plants they sell.