We have prepared for you the list of florist associations in Canada. The following associations are excellent sources of news, customer trends, and tips about the flower trade:

Flowers Canada

Flowers Canada is the favorite of the floriculture market. This organization promotes a strong passion to cultivate the industry throughout Canada. They are composed of distributors, florists, growers, and educators. They are leaders in safeguarding and enhancing the interests of their members in terms of representation, commerce, education, and communications.

Their website is www.flowerscanada.ca and you can find all of their contact details on the website.

Canadian Professional Floral Designers Association

This group of professional floral designers seeks to awaken the awareness of the public regarding the floral design industry. They want to set a clear set of criteria for floral design. They are continually searching for and sharing state-of-the-art standards in the art of floristry

You can check their website www.cpfda.ca for their contact details.